One-On-One Case Studies


An MD and author, specialising in diet and nutrition, is looking to start a You Tube Channel to showcase her expertise and her books.


Assessment of potential audience and devising content to assist with attraction thereof.


Brain storming with the doctor as to the contents of weekly vlogs for her social media channels, followed by an intensive series of 1-1 online coaching sessions focusing on presenting material to camera. Ongoing consultation and monitoring of content and viewership.


“I signed up with Ashley to help improve my “talking to camera” skills. What I got out of it was an insight into human psychology and effective communication, a deeper understanding of myself, and the ability to let go of all the things that previously made this task seem so daunting!

Ashley teaches presenting and communicating in a way that frees you from self-doubt, and enables you to believe in yourself and utilise the knowledge you don’t even realise you already have! The coaching with Ashley was one of the best investments I’ve ever made, giving me invaluable skills that I will use for the rest of my life.”

Dr Michelle Braude, MBBS, BSc Nutrition

“Ashley’s style of coaching is really compassionate, extremely tailored and very thoughtful and really what I needed to get over my own hurdles and insecurities. It was completely out the box and I found it to be exceptionally beneficial.”



A highly regarded financial and equities analyst for a global German bank is underperforming. Management have faith that he has enormous talent but is not delivering as expected.


Devise a strategy to assist the analyst to overcome anxiety, and to condense his insights into accessible digestible material for his peers and clients. Ensure that his skills are allowed a place to shine.


3 months of weekly sessions with the analyst, focusing on communication skills in all areas, from telephonic and written skills to in-person presentations. Emphasis was placed on discovering the blockages to communication and productivity, working on those and building confidence in his abilities. A month after training was completed, the analyst was placed in the top 3 in his sector by The Financial Mail, in its annual analyst rankings.


“My time with Ashley was one of the truly transformational experiences of my career. I left the process with confidence, focus, and most importantly, successful outcomes.

S.S – Equities Analyst

“She’s so smart about everything she does. We had so much fun but at the same time she kept us going, and focused and moving forward. She explains things very well.”



A newly appointed supply chain executive for a global fast food franchisor has to present to ExCo quarterly and to franchisees monthly.


Assist the executive to overcome the challenges he is facing in situations where he needs to stand up and address an audience.


A series of weekly 1-1 coaching sessions on designing impactful slides; using examples to back up facts on the slides; slowing down speed of speaking and improving posture, body language, breath control and non-verbal signaling to make a memorable, engaging interaction between speaker and audience.


“Our coaching sessions struck the perfect balance between informative and interactive. Every session felt directly applicable and often gave me fantastic takeaways which boosted my change in mindset and working practices. ”

SB – Head of Supply Chain Management

“I feel like I wouldn’t be moving forward as fast or with as much confidence as I am without her. She has made a huge difference in my life.”



A financial consultant is looking to change direction and move into stand up comedy.


Transfer skills that will ensure a stage presence, a more impactful way of speaking, clear and concise communication of the stories, with additional focus on timing, pauses and delivery of material.


An intensive one-one series of sessions ahead of an upcoming stage show, incorporating breathing, vocal exercise, script editing and delivery.


“The training experience with Ashley was empowering, energising and made me confident to communicate with intention and purpose. Would I do it again? YES!”

T.L – Financial consultant and standup comedian.

“I can highly recommend Ashley – her skills, her vast experience and her innate ability to teach and coach across all levels in the organisation.”



A blue chip short term insurer with a full African footprint is needing to up-skill it’s CEOs in terms of stakeholder management and media interactions.


Devise online individual coaching for the required communications, geared to each CEO’s strengths.


An initial session with each executive to understand the areas of challenge facing the individual, and the business in each region, as well as the level of each CEO in terms of communicating the desired message to the audience. Devising ways of communicating messages core to the company values and rehearsing and assessing skills in delivering them.


“Initially when scheduled, it felt unnecessary long, but it was actually captivating, and time ran out. I absolutely gained skills and tips I didn’t have. Ashley came across as a top pro at media engagement, she is extremely talented.”

T.C – Group CEO West Africa

“A fruitful engagement as well as an enjoyable one. I felt that I was listened to with respect and understanding.”

S.O – Group CEO East Africa

“Ashley is the most wonderful coach. She is worth her weight in gold. She made a huge difference in my life, because of her wonderful style, her motivation, her whole presence and her being which is very supportive.”



The Group Head of Human Capital for a South African bank with a profile across the continent is in a position where she needs to do increased presentations to staff.


Assist the executive to feel more comfortable that the message she is delivering is on point, and provide ways to overcome her anxiety.


An intensive 3 hour 1-1 session aimed at full immersion into Presentation Skills, encompassing slides, verbal and non verbal communication, and techniques to relax in front an audience.


“My one on one with Ashley was valuable, refreshing and insightful. It assisted me greatly with my nervousness of presenting. I would highly recommend Ashley.”

S.W –  Group Head: Human Capital